Technology's rightful place in our lives

Our relationship with our smartphone

Current usage review: reflection questions

How many times a day do you look at your smartphone?

How much time do you spend on it every day? 

Surprising statistics?

Depending on the sources and the geographical data compiled, the figures may fluctuate somewhat, but as an indication:

  • In Q3 2023, we spent an average of 3h 50 min a day on our smartphones (worldwide data). 

  • In 2023, Americans checked their smartphone 144 times a day, and 89% of them admitted to looking at their phone within the first 10 minutes of waking up.

Are you surprised by this data?

The undeniable advantages of technology

The world at our fingertips

Technology clearly offers us undeniable advantages, enabling us to access, literally at our fingertips, a wealth of information and to communicate, for business or personal purposes, with people all over the world. 

It also enables us to measure, in real time, certain important data concerning our state of health, our physical performance, our geographical location, etc.

We can even take notes or photos/videos at any time, no matter where we are. 

Difficult to do without it

These days, it's hard to get through a day, or even a few hours, without our smartphone, smartwatch or other wearable technology. 

With all the benefits technology brings us, it's not surprising that it has become an increasingly important part of our lives. 

But where does it fit in? 

A unique perspective for everyone

The answer will vary from person to person, but one thing is certain: we must first become aware of the place it currently occupies in our lives, and then assess whether we want to make any changes.

Need a helping hand?

Whether through my individual or group coaching sessions, I can help you through this awareness and the changes that may (or may not) follow... because any change must first and foremost come from you!

Take the plunge and book your first appointment with me! The first introductory session is free!

Sources: Smartphone Usage Statistics for 2024 (Surprising) (, Cell Phone Usage Statistics: Mornings Are For Notifications (


What are you grateful for today?


Happy World Mindfulness Day!