Discover articles rich in practical advice, deep insights and concrete tools to support you on your personal and professional journey. Whether you want to improve your well-being, strengthen your leadership or simply explore new perspectives, this blog is designed to provide you with stimulating and accessible resources.

Spring cleaning... on several levels!
Since the beginning of 2025, I've been feeling the need to clean up! And that's exactly what I did at the beginning of January! But my need hasn't completely subsided!
When I mention cleaning, there's of course the need to physically make space in my home, but also...

Recognizing our humanity of us all!
Often, our perceptions color our judgment and actions toward a person or situation, without our taking the time to validate those perceptions.

Compare yourself... to yourself and recognize your own achievements!
As part of my end-of-year reflections, I prepared a little recap of what my partner and I have achieved through our dance school over the course of 2024. While digging through our videos to prepare this recap, I came across our first demos together back in late 2022, when we had just launched our Brazilian zouk school...

Happy New Year 2025!... but above all, happy reflections!
How can we change the course of things when we're in the heat of the moment and that demands, both personal and professional, keep coming from everywhere? How about taking a step back and analyzing the situation? After all, yin energy invites us to introspect!

On this Christmas Day, let's dream a little and imagine a world where...
On this Christmas Day, I want to give us all the right to imagine a world where...
Understanding the language of people around you... to better communicate with them!
Have you ever heard of the five love languages, a concept developed by Dr. Gary Chapman? According to Dr. Chapman, we all have our own preferences when it comes to communicating our love, both in receiving it and offering it.

Why pay so much attention to our sleep?
I don't know about you, but my body has been telling me for the past few weeks that I'm sleep-deprived! So what do I do? I try to reorganize my days to prioritize my sleep! But why? Studies show that a lack of sleep is associated with...

Towards a less illuminated sleep!...
With the days getting shorter and the darkness setting in earlier and earlier, I can't help but notice our tendency (and I'm including myself in this!) to want to lock ourselves inside our well-heated homes earlier and, as a result, expose ourselves more and more to artificial lighting... which has its benefits but also its impacts on our sleep. But what's the link between artificial lighting and our sleep?

How about adapting our diet to the seasons?
Since it's a theme that comes up a lot in my conversations these days, why not expand on it! So I'll start with a few questions (and there are no right or wrong answers... I simply invite you to explore with me!):
Do you adapt your diet to the seasons?
How do your meals compare in winter and summer?

Reconnecting with yourself!
When was the last time you had an appointment with yourself? Simply to take the pulse of your situation, your inner state? We often run from one place to another, from one meeting to another, from one day to another... without really taking the time to find out how our body and mind are doing. Life often has its own way of moving us forward, putting little clues in our path which, if we pay attention to them, open up new horizons for us!...

October... an invitation to reconnect with nature!
Although I've never really celebrated Thanksgiving in my family, the day remains for me a beautiful invitation to recognize our close relationship with nature and to reconnect with it.
Dare to step out of your comfort zone... to learn and grow!
How many times have you refused to do something new and/or uncomfortable in the past year? And why didn't you dare try it those times? Often (and I totally include myself in this), we're afraid of ridicule, of being looked down upon or judged by others, of not measuring up... but measuring up to who and what, anyway?

What if we chose to be more curious about difference?
On this National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, I can't help but note, with a certain sadness, how history tends to repeat itself... And I'm not trying here to diminish the importance of this day and the victims it highlights - quite the contrary. Rather, I'm trying to see how we can learn from the past to reduce the chances of such events happening again.

What are you grateful for today?
In the frenetic demands of our daily lives and the various images and stories disseminated by social and traditional media, it's not surprising that we have a certain tendency towards negativism and a narrative of scarcity where we have the perception of having many unmet needs.

Technology's rightful place in our lives
How many times a day do you check your smartphone? How much time do you spend on it every day?

Happy World Mindfulness Day!
On this World Mindfulness Day, I invite you to take a short break and consciously pay attention to your breathing. Although vital, we often breathe unconsciously. However, when we pay attention to it, our breathing can sometimes provide us with useful information about our current state.

What is health coaching?
I see coaching as a process that facilitates sustainable change through the use of various techniques, such as visualization, clear goal setting and accountability, in order to maximize our potential and become the best version of ourselves.

Why did I choose Health Coaching?
In a way, I'd say that life itself brought me here! When I think back to my aspirations when I was younger, I was far from the profile of a business valuation expert and health coach!