Reconnecting with yourself!
When was the last time you had an appointment with yourself?
Simply to take the pulse of your situation, your inner state?
We often run from one place to another, from one meeting to another, from one day to another... without really taking the time to know how our body and mind are doing.
The importance of taking time for yourself
Our path is strewn with clues
Life often has its own way of moving us forward, by putting little clues in our path which, if we pay attention to them, open up new horizons!
The hidden side of clues
I still remember arriving in San Francisco thinking I'd signed up for a retreat on how to better manage our stress (the little clue I followed).
At first I thought I'd come to attend a series of lectures on the subject, only to find myself performing a series of slow movements, interspersed with short meditations... I'd just been introduced to qigong!
The story of my new discovery
At first I wondered what I was doing there, but after 4 days I couldn't deny that I'd just opened up new horizons... which I describe in the text below that I wrote at the end of my qigong retreat.
There is such a place...
Where snow sparkles under the sun rays
Where flowers are always blooming
Where the river flows abundantly to nourish its banks
Where the sun shines to warm our hearts
And where the breeze blows to caress our faces.There is such a place...
Where you're welcomed with open arms
Where you're wrapped in divine love
Where you're helped to climb the stairs of your life journey
But even if that place exists, you have to know how to find it.Only you can access it
Only you knows the way
But you must give yourself the time and permission
To access the deeper layers of yourself and listen to your path.To access it once doesn't guarantee you'll always have access to it
You must constantly fight against the demons that surround you
That are burning your flame and energy
But know that you'll always be able to find it again.The road won't be easy
But the happiness you'll find
Will be worth all the efforts you'll have put into getting there
And mostly, don't get discouraged
For the road can sometimes be long
Buried under a past of painful experiences
But your flame will always be there
Waiting to be fed.And when the river will start to flow again
A flood of emotions may rise to the surface
Let it flow, let it speak to you
And enjoy those moments of sweet happiness
That this fountain of youth within you will bring you.Happiness and love surround you
You just need to find your path again
And cultivate it so you can nourish the river, the flowers, the sun and everything else that lives inside you!
Managing stress by reconnecting with yourself
Following the little clue that I needed to learn how to better manage my stress, I actually discovered a practice that allows me to refocus, to connect with my inner self and to let go, for a few moments, of all the stress of my daily life.
I generally come out of it calmer and more serene, less reactive and therefore more composed in my actions.
Immediate benefits
And when I put this practice aside, giving myself the excuse of not having enough time, I inevitably end up suffering the consequences... and when I put this practice back on my daily agenda, I immediately feel the benefits!
So after discovering this place where I connect with myself, I realize that it's no longer an option not to take the time to do my qigong daily!
To each our own way of reconnecting with ourself!
Qigong is not the only way to reconnect with yourself! To each his own!
How do you reconnect with your inner self?
Don't hesitate to share your experiences with me, either in comments or by direct message! I'm always happy to read and learn from you!
Need help?
I can also help you, through coaching, to decipher your clues towards a better connection with yourself!
Don't hesitate to make an appointment with me! The first introductory session is free!
Happy encounters with your inner self!