
Discover articles rich in practical advice, deep insights and concrete tools to support you on your personal and professional journey. Whether you want to improve your well-being, strengthen your leadership or simply explore new perspectives, this blog is designed to provide you with stimulating and accessible resources.

Happy New Year 2025!... but above all, happy reflections!
Josiane Paiement Josiane Paiement

Happy New Year 2025!... but above all, happy reflections!

How can we change the course of things when we're in the heat of the moment and that demands, both personal and professional, keep coming from everywhere? How about taking a step back and analyzing the situation? After all, yin energy invites us to introspect! 

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Reconnecting with yourself!
Josiane Paiement Josiane Paiement

Reconnecting with yourself!

When was the last time you had an appointment with yourself? Simply to take the pulse of your situation, your inner state? We often run from one place to another, from one meeting to another, from one day to another... without really taking the time to find out how our body and mind are doing. Life often has its own way of moving us forward, putting little clues in our path which, if we pay attention to them, open up new horizons for us!...

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Dare to step out of your comfort zone... to learn and grow!
Josiane Paiement Josiane Paiement

Dare to step out of your comfort zone... to learn and grow!

How many times have you refused to do something new and/or uncomfortable in the past year? And why didn't you dare try it those times? Often (and I totally include myself in this), we're afraid of ridicule, of being looked down upon or judged by others, of not measuring up... but measuring up to who and what, anyway?

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