Why did I choose Health Coaching?

Following our path

I'd say it was life that brought me here! 

A path unfolding over time

When I think back to my aspirations when I was younger, I was a long way from being a business valuation expert and a global health coach!  

What's always been there though is my strong analytical (and intuitive) side as well as my pleasure in interacting with people! 

Listening to our inner voice

Despite my ongoing interest in business valuation (a field in which I've been active for over 15 years), I still felt that something was missing for me to develop fully and be on my X.

The stress I was putting myself through at work was affecting me physically and mentally: lack of motivation, back pain, and frequent sickness on vacation.

The importance of taking a step back

So I took a few sabbaticals to step back and refocus on my needs and aspirations. 

It was during one of these sabbaticals that I enrolled in a global health coaching program, where I discovered a real passion for coaching and accompanying people in their personal transformations.  

Discovering the power of coaching

Supporting sustainable change

Through my program, I realized how often we talk about change (both at work and in our personal lives) but also how often we lack the support to make those changes happen. 

We often have many reasons for wanting to change, but also many reasons for not wanting to change... 

Let's face it, if it were that easy, we'd all change overnight! 😊

To each our own path

But each of us has our own baggage of experience that colors the way we see and interpret things. 

Curious by nature, I like to explore with my customers their perceptions and aspirations and bring them to light in order to help them find their own intrinsic motivation, without judgment, but with empathy and active listening.

Personal development: a world of possibilities

So why did I choose Global Health Coaching? 

Because I like to develop genuine relationships with people to help them discover a whole world of possibilities that can help them grow both personally and professionally!  

Health: an interconnected world

For me, global health touches on all aspects of health (such as physical, emotional, financial, mental, social, environmental, etc.) and as all these aspects are interrelated, they can all be important in the dynamics of change!


What is health coaching?